Bring Offline Shopping Experience Online


When we shop offline, i.e. in a store, we are free to walk around the aisles and ask store representatives for help. Well, when we shop online, there’s no such luxury to ask them, or touch and feel and even try the products. Think about how to bridge this gap for online shoppers, we should know better about how a shopper shops.

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Everyday UX – Amazon Echo

Amazon Echo

Yanbin got me a Christmas gift – Amazon Echo, a voice control assistant. It arrived on the day of Christmas Eve, so thankful, this is my first Christmas gift ever :)

Echo, apparently, is a speaker. Based on voice commands, it can play news, music from many sources. You can ask it about weather, change its volume, tell a joke, wiki a subject, tell sport results. You can also ask it to do something for you: set alarms, add items to shopping list, buy things from Amazon, control home appliances such as lamps, locks.

I had some thoughts after initial use.

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