Express Your Designer Self through Writing

Recently, I gave a presentation to a group of 100 designers on how to get started in writing and keep it up.

In this presentation, I shared my stories – why I started writing, some tips on what to write, how to write it, where to publish, as well as how writing can help with them to become better communicators at work.

My audience was Chinese designers in North America, so I delivered the presentation in Chinese. The slides were in English though. Check out the recording.

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Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous

Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous. -- Tina Seelig

“Never miss an opportunity to be fabulous.” comes Tina Seelig’s book What I wish I Knew When I Was 20 — one of my favorite books. She teaches at Stanford University, and promises to deliver her very best in each class and expects the same from the students.

She said this in the book “being fabulous comes in many flavors, but it all starts with removing the cap and being willing to reach for your true potential. This means going beyond minimum expectations and acknowledging that you are ultimately responsible for your actions and the resulting outcomes. Doing just 1% better each day leads to enormous positive results. Life isn’t a dress rehearsal, and you won’t always get a second chance to do your best.”

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