Everyday UX — “Word of Mouth” Recommendations

I have been having a cold and it is getting worse. I told a friend about this over the phone and he recommended me a bottle of powerful vitamins. He recommended it to at least two other people I know, and looked like they recovered quickly. After talking with him, I decided to give it a try.

This happened very quickly, and the moment I clicked on “Place Order”, I realized this was the effect of the “word of mouth” recommendations: someone I know recommends a product to me, if I have any doubt at that point, it was eliminated by the fact that two other people I know have used this product and gave positive feedback. I looked for it online and found it’s very popular and well-rated. Then I decide to place order.

It’s interesting that nowadays when I’m considering buying a product or eating somewhere, it’s very easy to check out reviews from Amazon, Google or Yelp, but I rarely make very fast decisions — I usually spend time comparing and figuring out the best. But if it’s someone I know who recommends things to me, my mind prioritizes his recommendations highest and validate them first. That’s the power of “word of mouth” and it will remain powerful.

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