Bad feelings were lingering: how did this all happen? I normally pay much attention in closing loops, how did I miss all these?
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Ask Questions to Better Manage Time
Once in a while, I need to revisit ways to manage my time better.
One of them is the classic 4-quadrants, — attending matters based on their importance and urgency. What’s more important though, is to ask ourselves some questions, deciding which categories our matters should go to.
Continue readingThe Ultimate Decision Maker
When You Come Across a Book That’s Not Worth Reading…
I wish I could get my hour back… but I can’t.
Continue readingThink on Your Feet
What comes to your mind when you think of the scent of coffee?
I was asked this question, but I’m not a coffee drinker. What should I say?
Continue readingIt Doesn’t Have to Be The Perfect Solution
Identify a problem, propose solutions and figure out the best possible way to move forward. That’s creativity.
Creative solutions may or may not be the perfect solutions, but there’s always chance to improve.
Continue readingBig Picture vs Small Picture
Have you got lost in details when you need to focus on the big picture?
Continue readingEveryday UX – The Paradox of Choice
Everyday UX – Amazon Echo
Yanbin got me a Christmas gift – Amazon Echo, a voice control assistant. It arrived on the day of Christmas Eve, so thankful, this is my first Christmas gift ever :)
Echo, apparently, is a speaker. Based on voice commands, it can play news, music from many sources. You can ask it about weather, change its volume, tell a joke, wiki a subject, tell sport results. You can also ask it to do something for you: set alarms, add items to shopping list, buy things from Amazon, control home appliances such as lamps, locks.
I had some thoughts after initial use.
Continue readingBook Notes: Nickels and Dimes
I just finished this book written by Barbara Ehrenreich. It was about her research project how what lives were like for low wage workers in the US. I appreciate her observations and evaluations, and I think many of her evaluations are still valid even in 2015. I found how to improve people living on minimum wage is a practically complicated issue, it’s not as simple as raising minimum wage and force rent to be lower (which could potentially crash the economy), and I’m not even knowledgeable to make valid comments on it, but I believe this has to be addressed. So I’d like to share her book with you, to provoke thoughts and spark new ideas. Discussions are welcomed.
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