I write and translate articles, videos and other materials into Chinese to empower and inspire user experience designer & product manager communities in China.
Published Writings
Tips for designers (Chinese):
- 《生活中的Design Thinking -改变生活质量的实物设计》
- 《别让工具,限制了你的潜力 -浅谈各种原型制作工具》
- 《UX设计师美国找工作总结 | 第一弹:简历、作品集投到哪里?》
- 《UX设计师美国找工作总结 | 第二弹:面试来袭!》
I’ve translated several articles and videos for 7 Seals (七印部落). 7 Seals is a community that focuses on publishing great books on product management, user experience and sharing great articles and videos in China.
Videos (Chinese & English subtitles)
- 比尔盖茨 2007 哈佛大学的演讲 (Bill Gates Speech – Harvard Commencement 2007)
- 苹果总裁Tim Cook 2010年奥本大学的演讲 (Auburn University Spring 2010 Commencement Speaker Tim Cook)
- 谷歌创始人Larry Page 2009年在密西根大学的演讲 (Larry Page’s University of Michigan commencement address)
- Linkedin创始人里德·霍夫曼在巴纳德学院的毕业致辞 (Reid Hoffman’s 2012 Commencement speech at Babson College)
- Common Craft Videos – If you want to watch the complete Chinese series, please click here.
- 原来如此系列02 自媒体博客 — Source: Blog (by Common Craft)
- 原来如此系列15 App应用 — Source: Apps (by Common Craft)