An ostrich that hides it’s head in the sand makes me think about some old times — the times when I had tasks that I was too afraid to do, I closed my eyes and ears and thought that way I did not need to do or think about them.
Most of times, of course, it was no use.
Thoughts of not being able to completing tasks kept annoying me, and things just would just get worse, e.g. a deadline was coming but tasks was far from done, no one else would help me get rid of the mess except myself…
Overtime, I got much better to stand up and face the challenges, rather than hide from them. What surprises me was that when I am being honest about my challenges and ask for help, people seem to be willing to understand the situation better and offer help to me, because they get the impression that I’m actively working to solve the challenges, rather than letting it sit there unattended.
Facing challenges and actively seeking solutions needs courage and hard work, and it feels so good once they’re tackled. Don’t be an ostrich that hides its head in the sand.