“Users Are Selfish, Lazy And Ruthless.”

I love Nelson’s description for online readers. We have a reason to be selfish, lazy and ruthless in this overwhelming information era. Most of times we quick scan web pages, pick words/sentences that pique our interest and ignore the rest.

I came across a great article by Daniel Ritzenthaler called Attention spans: A TheoryDaniel has some great discoveries about customer attention spans – users behave differently in these three phases: Passive gaze (minimal attention), Focused gaze (moderate attention) and Choose to act (full attention until task is complete). He gives us nice advice on how to earn people’s gaze in the first two phases and keep people engaged in the full attention phase.

Other than this, he provides links to experts’ articles on how users read webpages – you got me! Of course users don’t read. These are good reads: How Users Read on the Web (By Jakob Nielson) and Lazy Eyes (By Michael Agger). Enjoy :)


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