Skeuomorphic vs. Flat Design

skeuomorphic vs flat design

I came across this excellent article about Apple’s highly textured and ornamented design (so-called “Skeuomorphic”) and Windows 8’s flat design. Apple tries to simulate real world objects and textures in its apps, such as iBook, Calendar, Notes; and in contrast, Microsoft tends to make interfaces look more flat and digital by removing every bit of adornment from its latest UI.

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Book Notes: REWORK

Rework by 37Signals
I think this is a great book to help a start-up-size company to be more creative, efficient and productive. I like the positive attitude towards product and services throughout the book – keep products simple and be speedy and genuine in business. A big portion of the book are pages of illustrations, some of them are really cute ~ They match the book style really well. Of course, although this book is great, it’s not perfect. This is a book that works for 37Signals (or maybe similar start-up style companies) but not every company. Some chapters have weak substances and so the theories look somewhat empty; And there’s a little arrogant in tone when they talk about ignoring customer’s advice or the conventional wisdom. I would say, well, this is just a collection of experience and advice from a particular company, and as always, we need to wisely filter what we learn.

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