TED Talk: How Giant Website Design for You — take-aways for you, me and everyone out there in this world who use things in their daily lives, and designers.
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yingyingz.com in 3D
I’ve never even thought that web page structure can be presented in such a beautiful way. It’s easy to get stuck in some ideas, but when you step back and rethink, there are really tons of other ways to make things better.
Continue readingWeb Font Units: pt, px, em, %
Font selection is an important part of web design and development. The designer does not only need to pick a beautiful font that matches the design style, but also wants this font in the real website to be rendered as close as possible to her design. We have four choices for font size unit when it comes to CSS font-size – pt (point), px (pixel), em and percent. Knowing when to use the proper unit is essential for your web page rendering. If you are not careful enough about the font size unit, you web pages may end up great in some browsers, ugly in some others, and broken in rest of browsers.
Continue readingSign up for a Website: Password Field One vs. Two
My friend showed me 2 websites sign-up pages that have one single password entry. This was my first time to see a sign-up process without re-entering password. Did some comparison with 2-password sign-up process, and it’s hard to tell right or wrong without data. Designers may have different reasons why they design something as it is, but designers are not end users. So this is when we need to have some user tests.
Continue readingSmart & Interesting Domain Names
Attractive interfaces. Great content. A nice domain name is also a plus for your website.
Continue readingYUI Graded Browser Support
Yahoo! Developer Network (YDN) has a very interesting article on YUI Graded Browser Support.
Continue readingNews Websites (2) – Videos During Japan Quake
I searched videos about Japan Nuclear News on YouTube, too. For comparison, I took a look at the most famous Chinese Video Websites Tudou, YouKu, and Ku6 as well. I like the YouTube’s loading speed, but prefer the news format in Chinese video sites.
Continue readingWebsite Localization in US & China Series (1) – Amazon
Some ideas about website localization – Amazon US vs. Amazon China vs. Amazon Japan.
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