I created “GIFs of Designs“, a Pinterest board. I like capturing great and interesting designs, but I’m tired of doing multiple screenshots for UI interactions and put them together into one image, and thus this idea of capturing them in GIFs came out.
I invite you to collaborate with me. Let’s capture those interesting, hot interactions that pique our interest, get inspired by them and inspire others. To be added as a collaborator for this board, please leave me your email address, just shoot me an email :)
Here’s a GIF capturer tool that I’m currently using and highly recommend — GifGrabber. It’s free, simple and can be found in the Mac App Store.
A GIF example: I noticed this interesting hover interaction in the Google Maps Earth View, a Google Chrome extension. Rather than letting users click on a small icon to bring up the menu, it displays the menu when user hovers mouse over a specific area. It’s such as simple yet brilliant idea.
Happy GIF capturing!