What’s Machine Learning

whats machine learning

Machine learning is a way to teach computers to learn without explicitly programming them. This technique has been used in various industries. For example, you may have noticed that Facebook can automatically tag friends’ faces from your pictures, or your email box can prevent spam emails for you. That’s all marching learning. We probably use it tons a day without even knowing it.

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Can You Add Meanings to Socks? — A Practice on Denotative and Connotative Images


I did some interesting practice on making denotative images and connotative images. A denotative image is a direct representation of an object from real life, whether it be cartoonized or realistic, made by pen or something else. A connotative image added an extra layer of “meaning” to the denotative image.

To start, I needed to choose an object. I chose a sock. My mission was to quickly do 10 denotative images (using different ways) and 3 connotative images on paper. A lot, huh? I thought so, too. After all, how can socks be sketched differently into that many images? But I decided to give it a try.

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Book Notes: Becoming Steve Jobs — A Growth Story

becoming steve jobs

“Becoming Steve Jobs” is a great book. As the authors Rick Tetzeli and Brent Schlender say, this is a growth story about Steve Jobs — how he grew from a two-person team to managing a company that has thousands of employees. There are a lot of books and articles depicting him as a complete genius and at the same time, a complete jerk. From this book, I saw his soft side, his care about his employees, friends, as well as his and others’ families.

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Abandoned Railroads in Marin & Thoughts on Public Transportation

thoughts on an abandoned railroad

I appreciate the effort of bringing more public transportation. The thing is, the current transportation system (buses, freeway, etc) planned and implemented years ago is falling behind. It’s reaching its capacity. Or can I say, when the system was planned, nobody expected the traffic situation can have significant changes AFTER the system was implemented?

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