Book Notes: REWORK

Rework by 37Signals
I think this is a great book to help a start-up-size company to be more creative, efficient and productive. I like the positive attitude towards product and services throughout the book – keep products simple and be speedy and genuine in business. A big portion of the book are pages of illustrations, some of them are really cute ~ They match the book style really well. Of course, although this book is great, it’s not perfect. This is a book that works for 37Signals (or maybe similar start-up style companies) but not every company. Some chapters have weak substances and so the theories look somewhat empty; And there’s a little arrogant in tone when they talk about ignoring customer’s advice or the conventional wisdom. I would say, well, this is just a collection of experience and advice from a particular company, and as always, we need to wisely filter what we learn.

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Web Font Units: pt, px, em, %

Font selection is an important part of web design and development. The designer does not only need to pick a beautiful font that matches the design style, but also wants this font in the real website to be rendered as close as possible to her design. We have four choices for font size unit when it comes to CSS font-size – pt (point), px (pixel), em and percent. Knowing when to use the proper unit is essential for your web page rendering. If you are not careful enough about the font size unit, you web pages may end up great in some browsers, ugly in some others, and broken in rest of browsers.

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Nir Eyal: Behavior Design

Nir talks about behavior design in this excellent video. He gives a nice intro to this concept and several great examples about how companies (e.g. Facebook, Pinterest, Zynga) change user habits, and what every designer should know about creating products that users love. I strongly recommend this video if you are a product owner, product manager, UI designer or UX designer like me.

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